WVML Press
Lydia Main, an institution as a pharmacist and the mayor of Masontown, has been chosen president of the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy (WVBOP). She will take office July 1. Dave Potters, executive director of the WVB0P, said Main will be the first woman to hold the position.
Main also is celebrating 55 years as a pharmacist. The owner of Main Pharmacy — where her nameplate reads “pharmacist and mayor — started business there on April 1, 1957, after graduating from the WVU School of Pharmacy.
April - No interims
May 14-16
June 25-27
July 23-25
August 13-15
September 10-12
October 8-10
November 26-28
December 10-12
January 7-9, 2013 - (The 9th is also the one day legislative session)
February 10-12, 2013
February 13, 2013 - Legislature Convenes
Finance Joint
SB 616 – Relating to post-employment benefits generally (OPEB)
Finance subcommittee C met to begin discussion of SB 616 from the 2011 Regular Session, which related to other post-employment benefits generally (OPEB). Near the end of the last session, members were close to a compromise bill dealing with OPEB but lawmakers simply ran out of time.
Funding sources were not agreed upon and need to be figured out. Funding sources need determined. Language regarding funding in draft legislation needs disregarded as is out of date and needs updated, all other facets had been agreed upon.
To read the complete Legislative Interim Update, please click to download (below):
Dear West Virginia City Officials:
On behalf of the West Virginia Municipal League (WVML) and the National League of Cities (NLC), thank you for your interest in last week's webinar on "NLC Enterprise Programs: Bringing Solutions and Savings to West Virginia Municipalities".
If you registered for the webinar but were not able to participate or if you would like to view the webinar again, it is available here: wvml/nlc webinar
The webinar will also be posted on the West Virginia Municipal League home page.
The webinar highlighted two NLC Enterprise Programs, the NLC Prescription Discount Card Program and how you can help your residents save on the cost of their prescriptions and the NLC Service Line Warranty Program to help your residents save on the cost of repairing broken or leaking water or sewer lines.
Additional information on these NLC Enterprise Programs is available below.
Essay Contest is open to all 7th Grade Students.
Three winners will be chosen from across West Virginia and will receive a plaque and a $250 savings bond.
Entry deadline is 25 November 2011, and must be received in the WV Municipal League office no later than 5:00 p.m.
To enter, complete the application (attached below), and attach a one-page, hand written essay. The student's name, teacher's name and school name must all be at the top of the essay.
Essays will be evaluated on the following:
- Legibility
- Essay relation to contest topic
- Grammar
- Knowledge of the Role of Mayor
News From State Auditor Glen Gainer
Latest Press
NLC CitiesSpeak
- Calling All Cities: Free Electric Vehicle Charging Program Now Available
- What Local Officials Should Do When Facing a Wildfire: Navigating Disaster Response and Recovery
- Eviction Prevention as Strategy to Reduce Homelessness
- Chattanooga’s PILOT Reimagined: Honing a Powerful Housing Tool
- Connecting Young Adults to Housing, Jobs and Education
- Honoring President Jimmy Carter’s Legacy