WVML Press
The WV Ethics Commission Issued the following Advisory Opinions at its October 3, 2013 meeting.
- AO 2013-29
- AO 2013-41
- AO 2013-42
- AO 2013-43
- AO 2013-47
- AO 2013-48
- Open Meetings Opinion 2013-03
Senate Bill 164, which became effective July 1, 1998, requires any municipal judge who is not an attorney, to participate in a training program conducted by the League. Additionally, HB 2120, which became effective May 21, 2007, now requires municipal judges who are not attorneys, to receive continuing legal training on an annual basis.
The League has prepared our sixteenth training session for municipal judges scheduled for November 8, 2013, at Embassy Suites Hotel, 300 Court Street, Charleston, WV 25301. Training will be conducted on November 7, 2013, for municipal court clerks.
Certificates of Completion will be issued to each person attending the municipal judge training. (CLE with State Bar approval).
Senate President Jeff Kessler (D-Marshall) announced today that the West Virginia Blue Book, now in its 92nd printing, is available for the first time on the West Virginia Legislature’s website. First published in 1916, the Blue Book is a comprehensive reference guide on current officials in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government; federal officers; and, political leaders. The Blue Book also contains information on state and federal agencies; the U.S. and State Constitutions; and statistics on counties, municipalities and statewide organizations. It is published every year by the Senate Clerk’s office.
The 2012 West Virginia Blue Book can be found online at:
Individual chapters can be found on the Senate Clerk’s page at
January 1st - New Year's Day
January 20th - Martin Luther King's Birthday
February 17th - President's Day
May 13th - Primary Election Day
May 26th - Memorial Day
June 20th - West Virginia Day
July 4th - Independence Day
September 1st - Labor Day
October 13th - Columbus Day
November 4th - Election Day
November 11th - Veteran's Day
November 27th - Thanksgiving
November 28th - Lincoln's Day
December 24th - Christmas Eve 1/2 Day*
December 25th - Christmas Day
December 31st - New Year's Eve 1/2 Day*
(* Not included in listing of legal holidays per WV Code 2-2-1)
(Political subdivisions are not required to recognize theses dates)
State Auditor Glen B. Gainer III, through his Local Government Services Division, is pleased to extend this invitation to the 10th Annual Training Seminars for Municipal Officials and Assistants during the month of October at various locations throughout West Virginia. In an effort to accommodate more participation, this year’s seminar is being held in five different locations.
The West Virginia Municipal League is sponsoring the "If I Were Mayor, I Would..." essay contest. The contest is open to all 7th grade students in West Virginia. The League wants students to learn more about municipal government and this is a great way to achieve that goal.
Three winners will be chosen from 7th grade students across West Virginia. Each will receive an award plaque and $250 for use toward a savings bond or their college savings fund.
The deadline for entries is November 26, 2013, with essays received at the WV Municipal League office no later than 5:00 p.m. on this day. Winners will be notified in writing by mail.
To enter, complete an entry form (copies are acceptable) and attach to your one page, hand written essay. The students name, teacher's name and school name must appear at the top of the essay.
The third week of October each year was proclaimed, “Municipal Government Week” by the Governor. This year the dates will be October 14-18, 2013, it is our eighteenth annual event and we need your support.
Please take the time to read through the enclosed information and pass it on to the person(s) responsible for putting together this activity.
Call us if you have any questions and as always, share your ideas and news releases with us.
Dated: June 12, 2013
The City of Lewisburg, West Virginia is seeking quotes for the following:
1. Dump Truck new or used
2. 12-foot stainless steel dump bid
3. Diesel Engine - 330 hp. @ 2000 RPM, 2200 GOV RPM, 1000 LB/FT @ 1400 RPM (or better)
4. Allison 3500 RDS Automatic Transmission with PTO Provision.
5. RS-23-160. 23,000 # r-series single rear axle (or equivalent)
6. 23,000 # flat-leaf spring rear spuspension with helper and radius rod.
7. Jake Brake
Alternative specification from dealers or sellers will be considered if the following needs are met.
Truck must be able to pull 9,200-pound trailer rated for a 20 ton max payload, including 10 tons of material in the dump bid. Total payload 69,000 lbs. Truck must also be automatic transmission and have a 12-foot stainless steel dump bid. All used trucks must include total Hrs. and mileage in the quote.
Pleas call Mark Carver, Director of Public Works at 304-645-1833 or email mcarver@lewisburgwv.com with any questions.
The town of Nutter Fort Civil Service Commission will be accepting applications to establish an eligibility list from which future vacancies for the rank of police officer at the Nutter Fort Police Department will be filled.
In order to be placed on the list of eligibles an interested person must:
(A) Secure from the city clerks office an application for the position of probationary patrol person. Said application must be completed, verified and returned to the city clerks office no later than 3:00 pm September 15th, 2013.
(B) Undergo a medical and psychiatric examination in a manner as prescribed by the commission.
(C) Submit and cooperate with authorities in background investigation as to the applicants suitability for the position applied for.
(D) Appear for appropriate oral interviews and written examinations and physical agility test.
Each applicant must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 40 years of age, according to state code.
The employees of the town receive a wide range of fringe benefits, health insurance, dental, longevity, shift differential, ect to which the patrol person is entitled this is available upon request.
Anyone not meeting the above requirements will not be placed on the list of eligibles.
Town of Nutter Fort
Police Civil Service Commission
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